Round Up Cowboy Church

Farmersville and Blue Ridge

The Round Up Cowboy Church is a “come as you are” casual Cowboy Church. No matter what is going on in your life, you are welcome just as you are to worship with us. Scripture encourages us to be the example of Christ to all people, and to love others as ourselves without judgement. Our primary focus is to make our visitors feel at home and make them feel comfortable and that they belong when entering the church. If you don’t have a church home, come join us on Sunday mornings when we round ‘em up, circle the wagons, and worship our Lord and Savior with some awesome music and a horse kick’n message from Preacher John Spencer. The children are dismissed to ride off to children’s church while the adults enjoy the message from “The Range Boss”. We hope you will come and ride life’s trail with us. Hope to see you this Sunday @ 10:30 A.M.

RUCC Merchandise

We now have an online store!

You can get your t-shirts, hoodies, and zip-up hoodie.

Check it out and support us.


Our Organization

Find out about our mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.